Kathryn Hayward

Kathryn Hayward, MD

Kathryn Hayward, MD co-founded and developed International Integrators and Living Whole Online because she loves to collaborate with others who share her vision for Integrative Whole Health. She brings to these organizations her experience in the practice of conventional medicine as a primary care internist and in Integrative Whole Health, as well as her connection to the natural world.

Kathryn marvels at the power of collective, conscious action on the part of like-minded individuals to manifest change, and loves contributing to that action. Kathryn is formerly an internist at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. After 20 years serving in these institutions, she moved to Spain to continue her work in a more expanded setting.

In 2004, Kathryn created a private integrative health practice, Odyssey Journey: A Collaborative Approach to Wellness www.odysseyjourney.com 

In Odyssey as well as in International Integrators and Living Whole Online, she helps people improve their health, wellness, and self-care practices. Her work focuses on individuals’ health challenges, bringing together the best in Conventional Medicine, Whole, Plant-Based Foods, Physical Movement, and Mind/Body/Spirit Disciplines.

In 2013, she published her first book, Odyssey Family Systems Companion Guide which is available on Amazon Kindle in both Spanish and English.

Kathryn has served as one of the Harvard representatives to the Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health. From 2011-2013, she served that group as core faculty, and for the final year, as Program Director, of the Leadership and Education Program for Students in Integrative Medicine (LEAPS into IM). She later joined the core faculty of the Humanistic Elective in Activism and Reflective Transformation and Integrative Medicine (HEART-IM) for the 2014 and 2015 programs. Both LEAPS and HEART are supported by the American Medical Student Association (AMSA). Kathryn now serves on the Medical Advisory Board for the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.

As a result of her experiences teaching Integrative Whole Health to medical students and practitioners, she now devotes herself to expanding this educational approach by offering it to groups beyond those in the medical field in North America, thus inspiring her to co-found International Integrators, Living Whole Immersion Retreats and Living Whole Online.