Sandra Veronika Ghazazian Tebes

Sandra Veronika Ghazazian Tebes

Born in the multicultural metropolis of Buenos Aires, Argentina on a beautiful and serene October day, after a difficult delivery that ended in an emergency cesarean section, Sandra arrived almost without strength and against all odds. With the courage of a poet in love, she took a deep breath and opened her eyes, with the blood of her ancestors from multidimensional lineages and from different continents flowing vigorously in her veins. Pale, weak, shy and quiet, Sandra kissed with her smile the life that welcomed her.

Sandra joins Living Whole Online as a Facilitator of the arts. Her talents include creating art and books with many different crafting materials, drawing, painting, Kintsugi (the Japanese art of repairing with gold), and mosaics. If you would like to work with Sandy in a Live With Facilitator session, email us at and we will connect you together with her.

She grew up in a loving family with a sweet and kind grandmother, who infused all of her childhood with love.

Sandra, or Sandy as she is sweetly called by those who know her, is the great-granddaughter of Armenians, French Basques, Italians and Mapuche, a melting pot of races coloring her veins.

At an early age she showed great interest and facility for the arts, particularly narrative poetry, as a means of reflection in the face of experiences, and the creation of free style musical instruments with materials from nature. 

And above all, while still very young, she was able to empathize with the suffering and needs of other beings. Sandy adopted vegetarianism before adolescence, as a form of healthy rebellion, wishing not to cause any negative impact to Mother Earth and her children...the animals. Later, feeling even more in harmony with life, she would adopt veganism.

She attended elementary school at the Arzruni Armenian School in Buenos Aires, where she learned the Armenian culture of her ancestors, the language, the alphabet (curious fact, the Armenian alphabet consists of 39 letters and is considered one of the oldest systems still in use today) and the dances, which were very emotional moments, because they somehow took her back to that distant land, with the same nostalgia that was reflected in the sky blue eyes of her beloved grandfather, when he told her stories of his homeland. She did her high school studies in different schools in the city and at the same time she studied art and took contemporary dance classes which opened a world of expression through movement.

Years later, she took a suitcase full of projects and dreams to fulfill, and bought a plane ticket with no return. In an eternal embrace she said goodbye with infinite love to her beloved parents. With a lump in her throat, with her heart in her hands and with the soul of a swallow, she took flight.

Since then she has lived on the beautiful island of Mallorca in Spain, between the majestic Tramuntana Mountains with its forests and wild goats, the rocky cliffs where the transparent turquoise Mediterranean sea allows her to contemplate the magnificent and colorful marine fauna, and its calm beaches of white sand. It is a paradise.

Currently, she offers her services in a school that provides resources and education for students with special needs, a place where she puts a lot of love and dedication, sharing art, care and friendship. 

She also devotes much of her time to meditation and the study of Tibetan philosophy, being an enthusiastic practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism of the venerable Sakya Tradition, with the tutorship of her beloved and venerable Master Khenpo Rinchen Gyaltsen (from the Paramita Temple, in Pedreguer, Alicante, Spain) who has brought so much peace, harmony, balance and well being to her life and to all her surroundings. 

And following the loving teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, she practices the Zen discipline of the beloved Venerable Master Thich Nhat Hanh, walking meditation, contact with the earth and the exercise of conscious movements inspired by tai chi, which the beautiful master taught and have been developed for more than 20 years in the monastery of Plum Village in France.

Thich Naht Hanh said "Mindful movements are another wonderful way to connect your mind and body with mindfulness. They are a way to touch the sky, to smile at your own body, and to touch your heart." 

Likewise, she is passionate about Kundalini yoga, considered as the primordial yoga, which is defined as the yoga of consciousness or energy, as it has the effect of awakening the cosmic energy. This energy is dormant and awakens through the performance of asanas (yoga postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), mudras, bandhas (energy keys), mantras and meditation. It is a practice that seeks to activate seven energy centers or chakras and whose awakening involves entering into higher levels of consciousness.

Sandy is multifaceted, self-taught, and offers to Living Whole Online her lessons in art. Her skills come perhaps from memories of past lives that resonate in her and have given her these facilities, or she is simply someone with a lot of curiosity and creativity and a desire to express herself from the altruistic love that includes everything.

She is happy to share this space of health and integrative wellness, and sends us light and love.

"To love is the best way to live. Let love guide you toward self-healing" Sat Nam


Two precious pieces of pottery got broken in their transatlantic shipping from the US to Spain. Sandy, with all the love in her heart, repaired them with Kintsugi
