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Sunday TLCs

August 18, 2024
Welcome to our ninth Living Whole Online Sunday TLC! We invite you to join these LWO  Facilitators and Participants:

Derek Notman, Jin Shin Jyutsu
Kathryn Hayward, MD, Founder LWO 
Willi Rechler, MD, Facilitating a discussion about ā€œChangeā€  with
Sheila Magalhaes, Yoga Expert, Heartsong Yoga


July 21, 2024
Welcome to our eighth Living Whole Online Sunday TLC! We invite you to join these LWO  Facilitators and Participants:

Derek Notman, Jin Shin Jyutsu
Kathryn Hayward, MD, Founder LWO 
Willi Rechler, MD, Facilitating a discussion about ā€œChangeā€ with
Bara Braver, Writer, Poet and Philosopher
Maia Ibar and Tristan Martineau, Sound Transformation
Gabriel Thomas CarreƱo, Filmmaker and Tech Support
