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Sunday TLCs

August 18, 2024
Welcome to our ninth Living Whole Online Sunday TLC! We invite you to join these LWO  Facilitators and Participants:

Derek Notman, Jin Shin Jyutsu
Kathryn Hayward, MD, Founder LWO 
Willi Rechler, MD, Facilitating a discussion about “Change”  with
Sheila Magalhaes, Yoga Expert, Heartsong Yoga


July 21, 2024
Welcome to our eighth Living Whole Online Sunday TLC! We invite you to join these LWO  Facilitators and Participants:

Derek Notman, Jin Shin Jyutsu
Kathryn Hayward, MD, Founder LWO 
Willi Rechler, MD, Facilitating a discussion about “Change” with
Bara Braver, Writer, Poet and Philosopher
Maia Ibar and Tristan Martineau, Sound Transformation
Gabriel Thomas Carreño, Filmmaker and Tech Support
